price change

price change
марк., бирж. изменение цены [курса\], ценовое изменение (разница между начальной и конечной ценой товара или финансового инструмента за какой-л. временной интервал; напр., разница между сегодняшней и вчерашней ценами закрытия рынка; может выражаться в денежных единицах или процентах к начальной цене)

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изменение цены: нетто-изменение курса ценной бумаги в течение рабочего дня, т. е. разница между сегодняшней и вчерашней ценами закрытия рынка (напр., обозначение +2 после цены закрытия означает рост цены на2 долл. за день).

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

Игры ⚽ Нужна курсовая?

Смотреть что такое "price change" в других словарях:

  • Price Change — The difference in the cost of an asset or security from one period to another. While it can be computed for any length of time, the most commonly cited price change in the financial media is the daily price change , which is the change in the… …   Investment dictionary

  • price change — Increase or decrease in the closing price of a security compared to the previous day s closing price. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • price change — / praɪs tʃeɪndʒ/ noun an amount by which the price of a share moves during a day’s trading …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Price elasticity of demand — Not to be confused with Price elasticity of supply. PED is derived from the percentage change in quantity (%ΔQd) and percentage change in price (%ΔP). Price elasticity of demand (PED or Ed) is a measure used in economics to show the… …   Wikipedia

  • Price index — A price index (plural: “price indices” or “price indexes”) is a normalized average (typically a weighted average) of prices for a given class of goods or services in a given region, during a given interval of time. It is a statistic designed to… …   Wikipedia

  • price index — an index of the changes in the prices of goods and services, based on the prices of the same goods and services at a period arbitrarily selected as a base, usually expressed as 100. [1885 90] * * * Measure of change in a set of prices, consisting …   Universalium

  • change — change1 [ tʃeındʒ ] verb *** ▸ 1 become/make different ▸ 2 start something new ▸ 3 replace someone/something ▸ 4 put on different clothes ▸ 5 get on different vehicle ▸ 6 exchange money ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to become… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • price inelastic — ➔ inelastic * * * price inelastic UK US adjective (also price inelastic [only before noun]) ► ECONOMICS used to describe a product or service for which the price does not change even if supply or demand go up or down: »Gasoline has no substitutes …   Financial and business terms

  • Price Pritchett — is a business advisor, speaker, and author specializing in mergers, culture, and organizational change. Biography Born December 14, 1941, near Glenwood, Arkansas.In 1974, he founded the Dallas based Pritchett Associates (now PRITCHETT, LP), the… …   Wikipedia

  • price inelasticity — price inelastic UK US adjective (also price inelastic [only before noun]) ► ECONOMICS used to describe a product or service for which the price does not change even if supply or demand go up or down: »Gasoline has no substitutes and is price… …   Financial and business terms

  • Price discrimination — or price differentiation[1] exists when sales of identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the same provider.[2] In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or… …   Wikipedia

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